My name is Jeffrey. I used to read all lot, but the past few years I've slacked off. As my 2018 New Year Resolution, I decided to make it a point to read more this year. This blog is to motivate me and keep track of all the books I read.
Whoops! I forgot to post about this when I read it. I wasn't sure if I was going to count it towards by goal or not, but I think it counts.
I first listened to the (glorious) soundtrack of this musical and was so intrigued that I decided to read the script.
Having read this, it helped me understand the musical so much more and really served a gut-punch, even more so than the soundtrack. It's written beautifully. I'm not one to normally read plays, but I'm so glad I did this one, just in case I never get the chance to see it live. Perfection.